Find a job 10x faster with AI assistance

AI Assistance helps you find a job, create a resume, write a cover letter, and track job applications.

@john @michael @max @bob @emily
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Find a cybersecurity analyst position, prefer remote work options.
Searching for a technical writer position in Chicago.
Looking for a project manager role based in New York City.
Searching for a data analyst role in San Francisco.
I review the company’s relocation policy, keep detailed receipts, a...
I carefully tailor my resume and cover letter to each job to highli...
Looking for a frontend developer role with expertise in Vue.js and ...
Seeking a backend engineer position focused on Node.js, preferably ...
Find me an iOS developer position with remote flexibility, ideally ...
I'm looking for a frontend developer position with Angular, React
I prepare for interviews by researching the company’s culture, rece...
My strategy is to follow up on job applications within a week to ex...
During the application process, I make sure to showcase my portfoli...
I'm looking for a product manager position in Los Angeles
I make a checklist of all required documents before submitting my a...
In my cover letter, I always try to align my skills and experiences...
I approach job applications with a focus on demonstrating both my h...
I reach out to current employees on LinkedIn to gain insights into ...
Find me a Ruby on Rails jobs remote
I’m dedicated to continuously improving my skills in software devel...
Find me a job as a business analyst, ideally hybrid in Denver.
As a front-end developer, I make it a point to stay up-to-date with...
Looking for a DevOps engineer role with Kubernetes experience, open...
Seeking a content strategist role in London.
I focus on networking with professionals in my field to gain insigh...
I believe in setting career goals and regularly assessing my progre...
Find a job for Sales manager in Chicago
In my current role, I take every opportunity to lead projects and e...
I attend industry conferences and webinars to stay informed about t...
Mentoring junior developers has been a rewarding way to reinforce m...
I’m working towards becoming a certified project management profess...
I’m constantly learning new programming languages and tools to keep...
Looking for a UX/UI designer position in Austin, Texas.
Find a digital marketing manager role in Seattle.
Seeking a cloud solutions architect position, remote or in Boston.
Looking for a senior data scientist role, ideally with remote options.
Seeking a digital product designer position, open to opportunities ...
Find a job as a technical account manager, remote preferred.
Looking for a full-stack developer role with Django and React exper...
Searching for a content marketing specialist position in Boston.
Looking for a creative director position, ideally in Los Angeles.
Seeking a Salesforce administrator role with remote flexibility.
I'm a skilled data scientist based in New York, specializing in pre...
I have a passion for connecting with top tech companies in Silicon ...
My goal is to find a remote position in product management, where I...
I’m an experienced project manager with a strong background in Agil...
Looking for a human resources generalist role in Miami.
Find me a machine learning engineer role, ideally remote within the...
As a software engineer with expertise in Python and JavaScript, I'm...
I enjoy the challenge of finding a job that combines my technical s...
My expertise in UX/UI design makes me an ideal candidate for a crea...
I am actively looking for a position as a content strategist, where...
Seeking a customer success manager position, remote or in Philadelp...
Looking for a remote copywriter role with experience in tech or Saa...
Seeking a customer support manager position, preferably remote or b...
Find me a solutions engineer role, open to hybrid work in Dallas.
Looking for a blockchain developer role with Ethereum experience, r...
I am focused on finding a job in digital marketing where I can appl...
Find me a software development jobs, prefer remote in USA
Looking for an entry-level product designer role, open to remote op...

More than 500.000 jobs from hundred companies.

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JobsGPT helps job seekers save up to 90% of their time by automating their job search.

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Resume + Cover Letter ready in 5 minutes with AI

Create a professional resume and cover letter with the power of AI. Fast, easy, and tailored to your needs!

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Start building your winning resume today!

Stand out in your career search with our professionally designed resume templates! With over 100 free options featuring a variety of unique themes and formats, you'll easily find the perfect style to showcase your skills.

One place to organize and manage your favorite jobs

Easily save jobs to your favorites, monitor your interview progress, and keep track of offers—all in one convenient platform.

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Save Jobs From any Job Boards

Effortlessly save jobs from any job board with ease and keep all your opportunities in one place

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People *really* like JobsGPT

What job seekers and career experts from top companies around the world are saying about JobsGPT.

"JobsGPT transformed my job search! In just a few days, I had multiple interviews lined up. The AI tools made creating a resume and cover letter a breeze."



Software Engineer

"With the tracking system, I stayed organized and focused—no stress at all!"



Marketing Specialist

"I found my dream job 10x times faster thanks to AI Assistance, which saved me so much time and effort"



Data Analyst

"Writing a cover letter used to be overwhelming, but with JobsGPT, it was done in minutes. It’s like having a personal career coach!"



Graphic Designer

"The ultimate platform! Everything you need for job searching in one place!"



Project Manager

"Saving jobs to favorites and tracking my offers has never been easier. The platform's intuitive design made the entire job search process enjoyable."



UX Designer

"Tracking job offers and saving favorites has never been simpler! The platform’s user-friendly design turned the job search into a seamless and enjoyable experience."



UX Designer

"The platform's intuitive design made the entire job search process enjoyable."



UX Designer

"The platform’s features for saving jobs and tracking offers completely streamlined my job search experience."



UX Designer

Simple pricing!

Pricing that fits your needs and helps you scale.




  • 3 AI job searches per day
  • 10 resumes
  • 4 basic templates
  • Basic resume builder
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  • Unlimited Job Searches
  • Unlimited Resumes
  • Unlimited Resume Analysis
  • Advanced Resume Templates
  • 100% money-back guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is JobsGPT and how does it assist in job searching?

2. How does JobsGPT help me find a job 10x faster?

3. Can JobsGPT create a professional resume and cover letter?

4. How does JobsGPT track my job applications?

5. Is JobsGPT free to try?

6. How secure is my personal information on JobsGPT?

7. Can I save jobs from any job board using JobsGPT?

8. How does JobsGPT customize my resume and cover?

9. How does JobsGPT compare to traditional job search?

10. What companies are listed on JobsGPT?

11. What features does JobsGPT offer?

12. How does JobsGPT use AI to improve my search?

13. How can I get started with JobsGPT?

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